Parent Info

Family involvement is extremely important at Bethlehem Lutheran School. We believe parents who are bought into their children’s education produce better students.

Beginning May 1, 2017, the Bethlehem Lutheran School Board will be implementing a Parent Service Program (PSP) for the 2017-2018 school year.

Goals of the PSP:
  • Use your God-given gifts and talents to further his kingdom.
  • Provide assistance to the school, coupled with monetary savings.
  • Assist the Christian Parent-Teacher League (CPTL).
  • Foster relationships between the school’s teachers and staff.
  • Utilize community, parent, and family resources to enrich the school program.
  • Support and encourage parents, teachers, staff and students.
  • Each family with children in K-8 will be required to contribute 10 hours per family.
  • The program will run from May 1, of each year and ends April 30, of the following year.
  • Any services hours not completed by the end of the program year will be billed to the family’s FACTS account and the proceeds will go to Bethlehem Lutheran School.
  • The hourly billing rate will be $15 per hour. In lieu of working the hours, you can choose to pay.
  • You may pay the balance of your hours at any time during the school year.
  • If you choose this option, the money will go to CPTL’s general fund. However, once the hours have been paid to CPTL there will be no refunds given.
  • At the end of each quarter, a statement will be sent home showing the number of hours worked.
  • Any Balance Due must be paid by May 5, 2018 to avoid your FACTS account being billed. Any payment collected through FACTS will go directly to Bethlehem Lutheran School. (In other words, if you choose to make a payment, please make it to the CPTL).
  • Hours are recorded on a PSP form or RenWeb are rounded to the nearest quarter hour. A link to the PSP form is below.
  • Hours may be earned by parents and guardians, grandparents or other designated family members.
  • Students enrolled at Bethlehem Lutheran School are not eligible to earn PSP hours.
  • Service hours cannot be combined with another organization’s required volunteer/service hours.
    • For example, if a family member is a student who attends Sierra Lutheran High School (SLHS), and the student is required to complete service hours, the student must either complete the hours for SLHS, or for Bethlehem. A person cannot “double-dip” the hours.
How to earn PSP hours:
  • The CPTL and the PSP coordinator will notify families at the beginning and throughout the school year of opportunities to earn hours.
    • The link below is not an all-encompassing list. If you have suggestions as to how to use your gifts that are not listed, please contact Mr. Karges.

If you get your supplies at Office Depot, please use our school ID# 70069582 and Bethlehem Lutheran School can earn free supplies. Thank you!

                                                                                                                            Printable Supply Lists

                                                                                                                              Preschool Supply List

                                                                                                                            Kindergarten Supply List

                                                                                                                               1st Grade Supply List

                                                                                                                               2nd Grade Supply List

                                                                                                                               3rd Grade Supply List                                                                                             

                                                                                                                              4th Grade Supplies List                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5th Grade Supply List

                                                                                                                               6th Grade Supply List

                                                                                                                               7th Grade Supply List

                                                                                                                               8th Grade Supply List