Anticipating Heaven Meeting Earth

Many Christians live their lives without giving a second thought to any sort of supernatural impact in the things they do each day. They live without being influenced by God. They do not orient their lives to God’s direction for them. But in the season of Advent, we have the opportunity to look at things in a different way. In Advent, we remember how God, who is Spirit, becomes incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ.

Beyond Identity and the Role of Vocation

Unlike the culture around us, which assigns social status based on people’s different roles (celebrities and the rich are given more status than service workers and the poor), we are all alike before God and as God’s representatives in the world are called to treat each other as if we are of the same status.

Sacred Spaces Beyond Church Walls

We too are stewards of sacred spaces. One of these sacred spaces is our sanctuary, where God’s Word creates and sustains the faith of stewards who remain simultaneously saints and sinners.

 Practical Theology in the Parochial School 

I recently came across a copy of some denominational paperwork I filled out several years ago called my S.E.T., for Self-Evaluation Tool. This tool, which is completed by every pastor in our denomination, consists of roughly three dozen questions about personal practices and opinions regarding ministry. SETs are primarily used by call committees and district […]

The Supreme Court & The Good Samaritan

A few weeks ago we read the parable of the Good Samaritan for our gospel reading. In that parable, Jesus teaches a timeless message: Christians are called to love our neighbor. No exceptions. A number of years ago, I had an “Ask the Pastor” session with this year’s graduating eighth-grade class from Bethlehem Lutheran School. […]

My Country ‘Tis of Thee

However, the version of this tune we know was first published significantly later, around 1743, in a collection called “Harmonia Anglicana,” which was expanded and republished a couple years later as “Thesaurus Musicus.” In this collection, the tune begins, “God save our Lord the King.”

Honoring Marriage


It’s easy for us to forget this. In our world today, it’s become common to think of marriage as a temporary, disposable thing, that we can move on from a marriage fairly easily if our interests or passions change

Spring, Summer & The Lutheran Study Bible

It’s important to remember that even though we may graduate from school or various degree programs, we never graduate from learning about our God and our faith. In fact, as we grow in our faith, we should not be keeping what we learn to ourselves.

The USA, Ukraine, and the Religion of Russia

Religion of Russia

For those in the Russian Orthodox church, baptism is seen less as something that makes you part of “the one, holy, Christian and apostolic church” than it is something that makes you part of the Orthodox Russian church or “Holy Russia.”

The Salutary Gift: Lenten Meditations on the Lord’s Supper

Christ won the forgiveness of sins for us on Calvary. He turns around and offers us the same forgiveness in the Sacrament of our Lord’s body and blood. That truly makes this blessed Supper a “salutary gift.” But that’s not all. There are a number of different images and metaphors used in Holy Scripture to highlight the blessings of the Lord’s Supper, many of which are reflected in our hymns.