God isfaithful,by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9
Life Together focuses first and foremost on the fellowship of our Lord in the Divine Service. It also involves quite literally a life together. We live together not just on Sunday morning but in life: uplifting, supporting, and encouraging one another.
Stay updated with the church happenings with the Bethlehem Star Newsletter and the church calendar! Wish to receive an email or physical copy? Contact Lora in the church office: lspiker@blcs.org
Bible Studies & Groups
Sunday School : Preschool – 12th grade BLCSsundayschool@gmail.com
Adult Bible Study – All are welcome
Men's Bible Study
Friday at 6:30 am in the fellowship hall. Bring Your Own Breakfast. Men of all ages are welcome. The study is based on the Scripture Readings for the upcoming Sunday.
Women's Bible Study
Saturday at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall. Women of all ages are welcome.
Silverlights (50+)
SilverLights is a social group for all who are 50+ (and Pastor is allowed too).
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:30am. Bring your own lunch to the Fellowship Hall of the church.