Key Curriculum Areas

Curriculum and instruction contribute to Bethlehem Lutheran School’s high level of student achievement. The students are given a knowledge base that will prepare them for high school and employment within the community. The curriculum is paralleled with the Nevada state standards, National standards, and strongly relies on the Core Knowledge standards while promoting educational excellence to meet the spiritual, educational, physical, emotional, and social needs of the students. The school undergoes a four year review to maintain licensure through the Nevada Department of Education. All teaching staff likewise upholds their own licensure. Professional development courses include researched-based strategies for increasing student achievement. The curriculum of the school is reviewed by the administrator and a team of teachers on a rotating subject cycle.

Language Arts – Bethlehem Lutheran School holds to the philosophy that reading is the basis to all content learning. With this being said, print and phonological awareness, phonetics, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension of fiction and non-fiction literature, reading fluency, grammar, written expression, and elements of literature are the foundation of language arts. In grades K – 5, the Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) program is used. In Grades 6-8 we a short story based curriculum to explored elements of literature. We also use novels to explore theme and character. Shurley English is used from K through 8th grade to teach grammar & English convention. In grades K – 6, Spelling Connections: A Spelling Vocabulary Program (Zaner-Bloser) for spelling and vocabulary knowledge. A schoolwide Spelling Bee is held for grades 1 – 8. A handwriting program (Zaner-Bloser) is used in grades K – 8 for the understanding and application of manuscript and cursive handwriting. Sadler’s Vocabulary Workshop is implemented into the curriculum in the middle school grades 7 – 8.

MathNew curriculum coming soon…

Science Nancy Larson is used by grades K – 5. The 6-8th grade uses Pearson Success. This is an inquiry based program that gives opportunity to learn through the use of demonstration, experimentation, and projects

Social SciencesThe Pearson Learning/Core Knowledge program is used from K – 8 to learn of world and United States history. The 4th grade also studies Nevada history according to state standards. Grades 6 – 8 also uses People, Places and Change (Holt) to further enhance world studies.

Preschool Program– Bethlehem Lutheran Preschool shares a common purpose with Bethlehem Lutheran School grades K – 8. The program is licensed through the state of Nevada Department of Child and Family Services and undergoes a review biannually. The academic standards are aligned with the Early Childhood academic standards by the state of Nevada.

Additional Curriculum Areas

Physical Education– The school promotes healthy living by teaching games, exercise, and nutrition. Activities are age appropriate. Extra-curricular activities such as cross-country, volleyball, basketball, and track and field are offered for grades 5 – 8.

Technology – Computers and iPads are available to all grades. Smartboards are present in all classrooms. 6-8th grade is a one-to-one iPad use, with students providing the technology.

Music – Music is taught at all levels each choir. A Christmas program is presented for the public in December. A Spring program entitled “A Night of Music” is performed at the beginning of May. An elective for Worship Band is offered for students in grades 6 – 8. Worship band accompanies weekly chapel services and performs at the “Night of Music” concert. Private music lessons are available during the school day for anyone interested. Fifth grade students are taught beginning instrumental music skills through the use of the recorder.

Performing Arts – coming soon…

Art – Art is incorporated in the classroom for all grades.

Religion – The Enduring Faith by Concordia Publishing House is taught from PreK – 8th grade. By teaching the stories of the biblical times, the students can apply them to their daily life. In addition, each grade is responsible for presenting a chapel message often through the use of a skit. Memory work, such as bible verses, books of the Bible, and selected parts of Luther’s Small Catechism is required every week in grades K – 8. Memory work is used to increase memory skills and application in their daily life.

Foreign Language – Students in 6-8 have an optional Spanish club after school.  

Instructional Methods and Intervention

Instruction– Bethlehem Lutheran School is always striving to use best practices and research based strategies to increase student achievement. The teachers attend conferences, do studies to discover the methodologies of best achievement, and implement these practices into their classrooms. The staff attends the annual Lutheran Educators Conference every November. Faculty, students, and administrators, partner in the curriculum and understand that instruction drives the needs of the students. Bethlehem Lutheran School believes that every child can learn.  In grades 5 – 8, the students pass between rooms for instruction in the areas of literature, social science, science, and math.

Intervention– Bethlehem provides different forms of intervention for the students to achieve academic success. Speech therapy services are available for qualifying students. Speech therapists and psychological evaluations and services are provided through the Carson City School District. (back to top) (back to top)