Beyond Identity and the Role of Vocation

Unlike the culture around us, which assigns social status based on people’s different roles (celebrities and the rich are given more status than service workers and the poor), we are all alike before God and as God’s representatives in the world are called to treat each other as if we are of the same status.

Sacred Spaces Beyond Church Walls

We too are stewards of sacred spaces. One of these sacred spaces is our sanctuary, where God’s Word creates and sustains the faith of stewards who remain simultaneously saints and sinners.

Spring, Summer & The Lutheran Study Bible

It’s important to remember that even though we may graduate from school or various degree programs, we never graduate from learning about our God and our faith. In fact, as we grow in our faith, we should not be keeping what we learn to ourselves.

The Liturgy of “Hauptgottesdienst”

Our forefathers in Lutheranism also warned against becoming too rigid with our worship. While there is value in unity and uniformity in worship (just as there is value in being able to go to any Starbucks and using their language to order a drink just how we like it), our human nature can lead us to become legalistic and judgmental when something is different.

Why Lutheran Schools?

Sometimes we Lutherans are accused of using our Christian schools to shelter our students from the evils of the world or from bad students. However, that is not our goal either. Christian education exists to prepare students to live in a world in which sin and evil are very real. Our children need to know those bad things do happen to people, but we can learn to respond to them in a Christlike way.

Whose Land Is It Anyway?

This inheritance cannot be anything in this world, so we as Lutherans do not believe that the modern state of Israel has anything to do with the fulfillment of prophecy. Instead, those who are spiritual descendants of Abraham, both Jews and Gentiles who believe in Christ and have faith in Him, will receive the inheritance of a new kingdom in heaven after the first heaven and the first earth pass away.