Lutheran Education

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) believes education should address the whole person — body, mind and spirit — beginning in early childhood and through higher education.

Lutheran Pre K-12 Education

Through early childhood programs, elementary schools and high schools, the congregations of the LCMS are dedicated to providing a solid Lutheran Christian education for our children by operating the largest Protestant parochial school system in America.

Carson City has two schools in LCMS school system, Bethlehem Lutheran (Pre K-8th) and Sierra Lutheran High School

Concordia University System

The LCMS operates 10 colleges and universities across the United States through the Concordia University System.

Concordia Seminaries

God has blessed the LCMS with two excellent seminaries. One is located in St. Louis, Mo., and the other is in Fort Wayne, Ind. Through a combination of residential and distance education programs, both seminaries form pastors and deaconesses for service in the LCMS.